
Sometimes our busy lives keep us from connecting.

It is easier to rush around completing all "we have to do" than it is to take time to actually "be" with the individuals that are placed in our lives. I recall as young mother trying to balance family and work and school.  Balance is the wrong word, juggle is closer.  Still, none of the elements being juggled got my full attention.

However, in the midst of all of the busy-ness, I made time to be with my daughters.  I listened beyond their words to their hearts. I learned who they were and who they would be. They also got a chance to know me, with all my insecurities.  Being open to connect, to attune to another person implies vulnerability to being known.  However, it was those moments that I treasure.  It was there a true connection was developed and forged.

To be fully present allows us to attune ourselves to another person, without judgment.  This ability to be open can transform relationships, if we only have the courage to take time and risk being known.